Kinky Boots, Wanneroo Repertory (Limelight)

What are the Finley Awards?

The ITA Robert Finley Award is made annually to what is judged to be the best theatrical production in that year by an amateur group in Western Australia for a Play or Musical. Originally there was one award — that of “Best Production” — later the award was altered to two categories, Best Play and Best Musical. In recent years the awards have been expanded to include Best Actor and Actress and many other categories.

The Award was originally made available by the former Finley Trust Fund, established in 1975 by Miss Hetty Finley, in memory of her brother Robert, and was controlled by the Finley Trustees through the Perth Theatre Trust.


The Robert Finley Awards is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate community theatre and the individual volunteers that make up the community. The Awards honour outstanding achievements of community theatres and artists in Western Australia, and are named for the late Robert Finley, who was a devoted patron of the local arts.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Robert Finley Awards is to recognize the theatrical achievements of community theatres and its members in Western Australia.


The Robert Finley Awards are administered by the Independent Theatre Association (WA) Inc. (ITA) and operates as follows:

The member theatre submits an application to have its production adjudicated. The ITA Secretary and Treasurer process the application and notify the adjudicators.

Three adjudicators attend each Perth/Peel production and two adjudicators attend a regional-based production. Adjudicators make their reservations, attend the production, and evaluate an array of production categories. The process is confidential; judges are instructed not to discuss their opinions with others, including the ITA committee.

There are two adjudicator streams: Plays and Musicals/Dramafest. The Senior Adjudicator is appointed to both streams. Youth Productions are seen by the Senior Adjudicator, plus one adjudicator from each of the Plays and Musicals/Dramafest streams.

Judges' scores are tabulated in a computerised database maintained by one of the adjudicators.

Productions receive nominations across categories, and at the Awards event, a winner is announced.

The entire process is confidential.

The commitment required of adjudicators is substantial. They are volunteers who commit to attending every show assigned to them. Adjudicators have a variety of backgrounds; many are active in theatre or have theatrical backgrounds. All have a love of the performing arts and all have a commitment to be objective. The ITA Committee and the Senior Adjudicator provide orientation, materials, and training.

There are two adjudication streams: Plays, and Musicals/Dramafest. The Senior Adjudicator is appointed to both pools, and will typically see 60-80 shows a year.

The Robert Finley Award year will run from the 1st December to the 30th November each year.

Enter the Finley Awards

Who decides what wins?

The Adjudication of the Awards is administered by the Independent Theatre Association on behalf of its member clubs. The panel of Adjudicators is chosen from people considered by the clubs, and after assessment by the ITA, to have appropriate experience in theatre. Before being appointed a Finley Adjudicator each candidate must complete a training course at an acceptable level of competence as decided by the ITA Committee.